Book 1: Thus Spoke the Plant, by Monica Gagliano

Analysis Discussion Episodes:

Rating: 1/5

Thoughts: The book had enough issues and problematic content that we as a book club collectively DNFd it after chapter 5, hence why there are only 5 episodes. I will go back and finish it at some later date and update this at that point, but at present that’s where it stands. While there are some interesting points presented, it’s framed in the context of a non-indigenous person trying to explain indigenous relationships to and with plants to outsiders, without having actually had those conversations with her local conacts. There might well have been more in-depth information on the subject but it is not present in this text.

Affiliate Purchase Link: Thus Spoke the Plant

Intro and Other Things

Greetings, guys, gals, and non-binary pals!

Welcome to the Botany Book Club. This was started over on Twitch back in April of this year, but back episodes have more recently been posted to my YouTube channel, should you like to check them out.

Essentially, I wanted to read more books with botanical themes and as that’s my background I have a good number fitting that description, so the book club was started with a few like-minded peeps. We have discussion and analysis sessions over on Twitch every Monday at 4pm PST (unless otherwise stated) and usually have a community poll for the next selection. There have been both fiction and non-fiction selections, and titles from several different literary genera. The only real restriction is that the books be (even tangentially) have botanical elements.

While reviews and the like will still populate the main blog page, this portion of the site will be dedicated to essentially being an information index and info source for and about the book club itself.

Have fun and join in the discussion, if you’d like. Also suggestions for future books are always welcome.