
Why Bats?: How Nighttime Pollinators Became Spooky

Why Bats?: How Nighttime Pollinators Became Spooky

If you are at all like me, you’ve wondered a time or two why bats, pumpkins, and the like have become associated with Halloween, Samhain, All Hallows Eve, or otherwise associated with the season. This is not going to be an exhaustive description, so feel free to share further lore in the comments, but it will cover a wide range, but today we will be discussing our beflighted mammal friends.

Pollinator Bats and SARS-2/Covid-19

Pollinator Bats and SARS-2/Covid-19

In the last few months, there has understandably been confusion and fear at almost every turn. Uncertainty and anxiety seem to go hand in hand right now, strolling down the often deserted streets. As many communities exist in lock-down, attempting to fight the spread of the virus currently bringing the world’s population to its knees, some have attempted to go after the perceived source.